While training as a plastic surgery specialist at the University of Antioquia, Colombia, I received extensive training in treating body surface, face, and hand alterations, including an extensive component in cosmetic surgery. All these learnings are complementary and allow me to carry out my surgical work safely and comprehensively.
Reconstructive surgeries include adults and children after trauma, burns, wound management, facial and hand fractures, skin cancer treatment, and reconstruction after breast cancer or congenital abnormalities after birth or acquired by different conditions or diseases.
Evaluation, surgical and reconstructive management of benign and malignant skin lesions: lipomas, nevus, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.
Multidisciplinary treatment in patients with breast cancer to perform both immediate and delayed breast reconstruction depends on the case with different techniques described using the patient’s own tissues or alloplastic materials such as breast implants.
Reconstructive plastic surgery.
Wound defects reconstruction.
Plastic surgery treats body alterations and performs procedures for various purposes; among other, plastic surgeons perform reconstructive surgeries, which mobilize tissues from one area to another, called flaps and grafts.