The amount of breast tissue changes according to weight, pregnancy, and hormones. The ligaments and duct system in the mammary gland will stretch, causing the breast to descend, as the anatomical structures that support the breast are lost. There are multiple causes for breast growth or hypertrophy; reduction surgery is one of the management alternatives.
On the one hand, there are hormonal factors at the time of the woman’s development or after lactation, thus constituting large breasts; In some cases, there is a genetic predisposition that presents excessive breast growth or gigantomastia. In addition, obesity causes an increase in fatty tissue in the mammary gland, increasing its volume. In all cases, the breast or mammary gland adopts a lower position on the chest wall, thus losing its youthful appearance.
Patients who require breast reduction surgery often seek relief from the physical symptoms caused by the excessive size or weight of their breasts and the cosmetic benefit it achieves. Reduction mammoplasty usually solves these problems and improves the shape and size of the breasts. After surgery, your breasts will be more proportional to the rest of your body, they will have a better shape, and your clothes will fit better.

You are a candidate for a reduction mammoplasty if:
- Your breasts are enormous with the rest of your body.
- You have back or neck pain due to the excessive size of your breasts.
- You have irritation in the folds under your breasts.
- You have bra marks on your shoulders.
- The size of your breasts restricts your physical and social activities.
- You do not like the shape of her breasts because of their size and how they hang on your body.

Breast reduction seeks several objectives, such as relocating the areola and nipple to a higher position and improving the breast’s shape by reducing the mammary gland’s size.
This decrease in size represents one of the most significant limitations since this reduction should not jeopardize the shape of the nipple or its nutrition.
Finally, the reduction mammoplasty seeks to locate the scars that are necessary to organize the skin that is left over when removing the gland.
There are many breast reduction techniques, as the type of scar on the breast is one of the variables to decide, which is based on the breast size.
The most common scars are in the shape of an inverted T in which the horizontal portion is hidden at the level of the sub-mammary fold and the vertical in the lower pole, in the form of L or J and periareolar.
The surgery lasts 3 to 4 hours and is done under general anesthesia. Most cases are ambulatory. However, combining surgeries with other procedures, such as body liposuction, tummy tuck, buttocks implants, etc., may require hospitalization.
You must discuss your expectations in the consultation and clarify all your doubts. To achieve the best result and appearance of your breasts, scars are required, in some cases extensive, to relocate the breast to a better position. During surgery, I use the materials, techniques, and care of the tissues so that these scars are the best possible. Still, it also depends on the high percentage of each patient’s scarring type, flat, hypertrophic, keloid and above all.

- Pain: There is tolerable and easily controllable pain by medication, which will gradually decrease.
- Inflammation: During the first days after surgery, your breasts may feel somewhat inflamed; they will appear purple to a lesser or greater degree depending on the characteristics of your skin, constituting a regular event of surgery due to tissue manipulation. Over the days and weeks, the inflammation will decrease.
- Return to activities: After 7 to 10 days, the patient can gradually return to daily activities.
- Exercise: At least 3 -4 weeks are required to perform physical activity of moderate to high intensity.